Contact Us

Tallinn, Estonia

Office contacts:
Alliksoo põik 1-1, Tallinn, 12616

Cancun, Mexico

Office phone number:
+52 998 377 0814

Materials are shared:

In Tallinn Port:

Last years the number of visits to Tallinn Port has increased about ~330 000 visits every year exept covid pandemic year. In 2016 Tallinn Port reached 10 173 297 visits, about ~525 000 were Cruise Port visitors. According to "Statistikaamet" tourists leave in Estonia on average one Estonian minimum salary per trip.
After leaving the ship tourists arrive promptly to Eesti Info unmanned information points. There they can find different Eesti Info city maps about Tallinn, other interesting destinations, information about our adevrtising partners locations and offers. The clear design of the maps makes them a great tool for navigation and asking for directions. City maps are mostly distributed for tourists, who come here from outside the European Union, so they have very limited access to internet (for example Estonian Elisa sim card holder travelling to Seychelles pays 20€+/Megabyte of internet).
If you wish to get some of the Tallinn Port tourists to visit you as well, contact us and we can help you with that by finding the best solution suitable to your business!

In Partner Hotels:

Tallinn & all over Estonia
In 2020 January - September Tourists Spent 3,5 Million Nights And Locals 1,5 Million Nights In Estonia. Covers 20% Of All Rooms In Estonia And 50% In Tallinn, So 1 Million Nights In 2020. In 2019 Tourists Spent 10,9 Million Nights In Estonia, Estonia Selected Covered 2,1 Million Nights. Within the first 9 months of 2020 tourists spent 365 Million euros in Estonia, while a year earlier before covid the annual spend by tourists was more than a billion euros.
Statistics by Eesti Pank and Statistikaamet

Estonia Selected is the only marketing channel, that makes its potential readers walk by (the magazine) within hands reach minimum 3-4 times to get to the bed. As well as on average Estonia selected potential reader spends 3x times more time in the close proximity of the marketing channel, than time spent in close proximity of the closest competitors marketing channel.

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